Strawberries and bananas... a delicious combination! Two shots with different settings... resulting in muted color tones, and vibrant: Just strawberries:
Let me just say that I love where I live... there are so many opportunities for photographic creativity. (I'm not saying I'm there yet, but I see in my mind how I want my photos to turn out, and I'm working towards that goal!) Here are some of my favorite shots from today... they include lampposts and flags, churches and other majestic buildings. From Keswick Village, a quaint little neighborhood near our home: Views of the sky taken in NE Philly: I liked how the street sign went with the picture: This flag was in NE Philly. It struck me as a very contradictory image... the American flag, a symbol of freedom, behind bars. Churches and buildings in or near Ardmore, PA: These next two were also taken in or near Ardmore. I liked the patterns and shades of green on this tree: Another lamppost:
The first three pictures were taken in Philly. Bridge near Center City: I just liked the look of this for some reason and the colors: Flag in NE Philly: Two flowers in our yard: Then last night just before sunset the colors in the sky were amazing. These were taken in our neighborhood. A few more in our neighborhood after sundown:
Welcome to Splashes of Splendor, a corner of the web devoted to fun and favorite photos of all hues. I hope that you will derive enjoyment from the shots captured here, and would love it if you would take a moment to leave a feedback comment so that I can improve my skills. Please join me as I step into this thrilling new venture!
All photos posted here are taken by my Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi. Copyright Sarah J. Pederson.